Tuesday 4 October 2016

Tips & Tricks When Travelling With Cystic Fibrosis - It's still possible!

I've had some amazing opportunities over this summer, visited some incredible places & met so many lovely people.

Travelling with CF was always a worry for me. But now I've done it, I want to inspire and help others with CF have the confidence to pack your bags and head off exploring!

I've been all over Indonesia, Northern Australia and Sardinia through the months of July, August and September. Preparing before hand, writing numerous lists and getting all my medication (and big quantities of it) was the hardest part, I needed to start this well in advance.
I would advise having a chat with your local pharmacy, and telling them about the trip you're going on. I believe this is super important as they can also advise you on suitable vaccinations, and better ways in which to travel with large amounts of prescribed medication.

Here are my tips and tricks in making it easier to travel with CF;


  1. Vaccinations - make sure you have been given the correct information regarding vaccinations for the trip. With having CF, I had to look at the "less common" vaccination options as us CFers are more prone to catch infectionsand need to consider ....... issues.
  2. GP/CF Consultant advice - speak with your CF team before hand about when and where you may wish to travel to. I was advised to have 2 separate courses of IV antibiotics before leaving the UK so I was in tip top condition. 
  3. Malaria tablets - Super important if you are travelling to any high risk areas 
  4. Safety week - Always pack an extra weeks worth of essential medication with you. Just in case of delay, flight changes, or illness. Also, spread your medication between bags if possible to avoid issues with lost luggage.
  5. Paperwork - Ensure you have an up to date list of your medication and summary of your current treatment regime from your CF team. Take a copy of your repeat prescription form too.  This may assist when passing through customs!
While travelling
  1. Creon - You're going to be taking a lot of it! So ask your dietitian to prescribe 25,000 creon capsules not 10,000. You will need more pots of 10,000 and will go through them quicker so 25s is the way to go. 
  2. Carry your insulin pen! - You never know where you'll be at the time when you'll need to take your units. I was either in a hostel, on a plane, train or coach at 8am so I knew that my best bet was to keep it close by me each day. 
  3. Keep organised - whenever you have a spare minute in the evenings with your luggage, just sort all excess cardboard boxes, plastic bags and pre mix your nebuliser if needed. 
  4. Week by Week containers - following on from being organised, take containers for your tablets! This was a life saver and one of the best ideas I had! Not for creon, but for antibiotics, vitamins, intraconazole, omeprozole etc . Each Sunday evening I would sit down on my bed and pop out all my pills for the week ahead. Then I would take the small container for each day and put it in my rucksack. So wherever I was for breakfast, lunch and dinner I didn't need to go back to my room or find my big luggage bag, the medication would be sorted and with me. 
  5. Washing equipment - take a small ice cream container to use as your mini washing up bowl! It's great size to fit all the parts of your nebuliser, basket etc, and isn't too big to squeeze into your luggage. 
  6. Consider that some medication may need to go in the fridge - you may need to be resourceful in locating a fridge to store medication. or freezer for ice blocks in some remote locations. (I used the ice cream parlor or fishmongers next door to my hostels) Don't forget to take ice blocks and cold bag. 
  7. Take a mask - This depends on where you're travelling to, but I would advise taking an air pollution mask. I wore this when travelling through smokey or highly polluted areas, the jungle and small aircraft. 
  8. Sharps!- keep all needles (mine were from blood glucose monitor, insulin and prepping nebuliser) in one place. Take lots of spit sample pots and use them as a mini sharps bin.

So there we are, it's possible to travel with any condition, no matter how much medication you need. It can be done!
I was travelling for just over a month, but if I was going for longer I would probably have had to take another small rucksack to fit more medication in! 

Any questions please leave in the comments below. 
I'll be posting photos of my travels soon! 

Nicole x 

Wednesday 30 March 2016

My Journey Of A Lifetime (jolt)


Some months ago my CF team received a letter asking if any of their patients would be suitable for nomination to take part in an exciting expedition. I was thrilled when they told me I was the first person to spring to mind, because of my love for activity and outdoor sports.

So we followed the application process and waited to hear if I'd made it to interview stage. At around the time of my annual review in January, we received a letter to say that I had been shorted listed from hundreds to attend an interview in February.
On the day I was very nervous but excited. The JOLT team were very welcoming, and it was so interesting to meet some of the participants from the pervious expeditions. Hearing about their experiences and how they had overcome their disabilities or personal situations.

It was then a long nervous 5 week wait before I heard back from them. To make matters worse, I had found out that my treatment plan regarding my CF was to change, and potentially put my chances of taking part at risk.

However, last week I recieved a very large envelope in the post which contained a letter congratulating me that I had been chosen to take part in the 2016 Journey Of A Lifetime trip to..... Indonesia and Northern Australia!
I was totally thrilled and ecstatic to be chosen to have this opportunity to visit such incredible places in July this year.

One of my biggest challenges is going to be staying fit and well enough to get there at all. But, in the meantime I need to raise funds for this fantastic charity, which proves amazing opportunities for youngsters with a range of difficult and challenging life situations. For people like me to take part, it's only possible because we will be accompanied by medical staff who can continue to monitor and administer treatment and medication throughout the month we are away.

I need to raise a minimum of £650 to support this charity so that they can continue to offer these amazing trips and opportunities which would otherwise be impossible.

Please take a look at their website and the incredible work they do. And if you feel you can sponsor me, I would be truly grateful of any donations to my Virgin Money Giving Page which is linked below. This is just one of the many ways I plan to raise money leading up to the trip. I have lots of ideas and planning ahead.

Thank you for your support, please keep your fingers crossed that nothing gets in the way to stop me taking part.

I'll continue to keep you up to date on my health situation and fundraising progress, but I am so happy to have something to positive and uplifting to set my sights on.


JOLT Website - jolttrust.org.uk
Twitter - twitter.com/11nicolee
Instagram - instagram.com/11nicolee_
YouTube - youtube.com/livingandbreathingcf

Tuesday 19 January 2016

New Years Resolutions - Bucket List of 2016


Better late than never to write about your new years resolutions! This year involves some big changes for me, some of which include - moving into adult CF care, going to University, turning 18, and the exciting future I have with the BBC Body Positive Campaign, and where it may take me.

I am so excited for this year and I want to make the most of it. Therefore I thought I would make a blog post for motivation and determination to see how many of my resolutions I achieve. Also, to incorporate some of my bucket list goals!

So here are some of the amazing/out of the ordinary things I would love to achieve in 2016;

  1. Increase readers through my blog
  2. Show more awareness for Cystic Fibrosis
  3. Do a sporting event for charity
  4. Complete a Gym Instructor course ✅
  5. Continue to be positive and not let others bring me down
  6. Take a trip to my favourite place in the UK - Cornwall
  7. Write in my Q&A diary everyday
  8. Make the most of each day
  9. When I'm unwell don't let it get me down
  10. Worry less, love more
  11. Understand that everything happens for a reason
  12. To not let my lung function drop below 70%
  13. Compete more on my horse
  14. Make more time to rest and relax
  15. Be spontaneous
  16. Be in a magazine column
  17. Go to another festival
  18. Take more photos
  19. Go to Ascot - Ladies Day
  20. Come out of college knowing I have worked my hardest 
  21. Read more books 
  22. Start a YouTube Channel ✅
There's just a few, but I may add more if I think of any others. Throughout 2016 I will keep coming back to this blog post and ticking off all that I achieve.

Thanks for reading,


Instagram  - @nicskath_
Twitter - @11nicolee
YouTube - youtube.com/livingandbreathingcf
BBC Sport Body Positive - @bodypositiveMyStory

Monday 11 January 2016

BBC Body Positive


I have an announcement! Some very exciting news! Over the past month I have been involved in a campaign called Body Positive, run by BBC Get Inspired. I have had the great opportunity to be part of it, and encourage health, lifestyle and wellbeing through having Cystic Fibrosis, and the variety of sport I participate in.
It’s not just sport related, but includes all aspects of physical and mental wellbeing. People may feel let down by their bodies, not just in appearance but in how well it functions. The campaign will primarily run across social media: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest, along with the BBC website. In addition, there will be some collaborations with other areas of the BBC, including Radio 1’s Surgery programme for a Body Positive special.
The aim of the campaign is to help, boost, and give positive advice and tips to those who suffer from self confidence, are not satisfied with their body, or also have a health or medical condition.
Wanting to build an online community of young people who feel confident and proud of who they are.
The campaign is being run over six months to show how lots of people cope with different everyday needs, but more importantly what makes them feel happy, strong and confident day to day and proud to be them.

The campaign's mission "is to inspire, empower and motivate you to feel BodyPositive"

I had to take a trip up to London on Wednesday to meet the team, film the VT, have an interview and discuss the plans for the campaign.

So, over the next six months the BBC will be posting videos of myself doing day to day treatment, days out, hospital appointments, and most importantly showing what makes me happy - riding my horse, dancing, listening to music, spending time with friends and going to the gym. Illustrating that even the small things can brighten up your day! I want to spread my positive and enthusiastic personality to those who need a friend to talk to or even make them happy for a small while. To also show awareness for Cystic Fibrosis and demonstrate what it really is, and how it effects me daily. Moreover, my aspirations and plans for the future.

If you would like to keep updated with all the videos, radio events and photos, please follow the links below to the Get Inspired - Body Positive web pages, and also my social media links for other CF related information.

I am thoroughly looking forward to the next few months, and what it may bring for the future. I am honoured to be part of this campaign, and I hope this will help many people.

Get Inspired - Body Positive

Instagram - @bodypositivebbc
Twitter - @bbcbodypositive
Facebook - @bodypositivebbc
BBC Website - bbc.co.uk/sport/get-inspired/bodypositive
BBC Body Positive Post - MEET NICOLE

My Links

Instagram - nisckath_
Twitter - 11nicolee
BBC Body Positive Post - MEET NICOLE

Cystic Fibrosis Trust 

Home Page - cysticfibrosis.org.uk
What is CF? -  cysticfibrosis.org.uk/about-cf
Article on NICOLE BODY POSITIVE - Nicole talks about body positive
Donate - cysticfibrosis.org.uk/ways-to-donate